お知らせ Information

2023年4月の勤務体系 April, 2023 working form



For a long time, we have been implementing a work system that considers the health of our business partners and employees.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused to our business partners, but we appreciate your continued support.


2022年9月の勤務体系 September, 2022 working form


The number of people infected with Covid-19 has not yet decreased, but we will return to normal work from September. We apologize for the inconvenience caused to our business partners. We look forward to your continued support.


2022年8月の勤務体系 August, 2022 working form


We have been maintaining the work system with COVID-19 since June last year (June 2021), but due to the increase in the number of Covid-19 patients from July 2022, the work system in August will be based on telecommuting. We apologize for the inconvenience caused to our business partners. We look forward to your continued support.


2021年5月の勤務体系 May, 2021 working form


In response to the government's extension of the state of emergency declaration in April being extended by the end of May, we will continue to work from home until end of May. All employees go to work every Wednesday only. We apologize for any inconvenience caused to our business partners, and appreciate your understanding and cooperation.


2021年3月の勤務体系 March, 2021 working form


The number of people infected with Covid-19 is now declining, and the work system based on working from home for one year will be returned to normal work from this March. We apologize for any inconvenience caused to our business partners. We look forward to your continued support.


2021年2月の勤務体系 February, 2021 working form


1月と同様、業務に支障をきたさぬよう 2月17日、2月24日は全社員出勤となります。

Due to the spread of Covid-19, we will continue to work at home in February, with a state of emergency added from January 8th to February 7th.

As in January, we will be working for all employees on February 17th and 24th for not affecting operation of daily job.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused to our business partners, and appreciate your understanding and cooperation.


2021年1月の勤務体系 January, 2021's working form

Covid-19の流行が再び拡大しているため、当初の1月からの通常勤務体系を変更し在宅勤務とします。ただし業務に支障をきたさぬよう 1月5日、1月21日、1月29日の3日間は全社員出勤となります。

特別な必要がある場合を除き、国内出張は引き続き禁止とします。また コロナウイルス感染のパンデミックは収束どころか拡大の一途であるが故海外出張は継続的に禁止とします。

January, 2021's Working Schedule

Since Covid-19 outbreak grows again, work system will allow working from home for the month of January, 2021, but all employees must work in the office on three days of 5th, 21st and 29th January.
We shall refrain from Domestic business trip, except in cases of special necessity. Overseas business trip is continuously disallowed as pandemic convergence of coronavirus infections still cannot foresee for a while.


12月の勤務体系 December's working form

最近の感染者数の増加に対応し、12月の勤務スケジュールは週5日フレックスタイム制を継続、希望者は在宅勤務も最大3日までとします、毎週水曜日は原則全社員が出社、原則として国内出張は承認後可能としております。 海外出張は引き続き禁止します。

December's Work Schedule
In response to recent increase in the number of the infected people again, we continue to have flexible working hours for 5-days a week, but those who wish to work from home will be allowed to do so upto maximum 3-days a week. However, all employees come to work at the office every Wednesday.
In principle, domestic business travel is permitted with manager's approval. Overseas business trip will continue to be disallowed still under fear of coronavirus pandemic.


コロナウイルス対策の下の11月の勤務体系 November's working form

ただし希望者はフレックスタイムを継続します。 在宅勤務は週に最大3日となります、内水曜日は全員出社を継続いたします。。
「Go to Travel」に続いて、「Go to Eat」キャンペーンが政府によって開始されました。国内出張は許可制、海外出張は引き続き原則禁止となります。

We come back to regular working schedule with 5-days a week and with flex time. But, at own discretion, working from home is allowed with maximum 3-days a week.

Following "Go to Travel", "Got to Eat" campaign has started by government, Domestic business trip will be eased but must be approved by management. The ban on overseas business trip will not be lifted.


10月の勤務体系 Work Schedule for October


政府主催の「Go To Travel」キャンペーンが始まったので、まもなく国内出張を再開できる見込みですが、現時点では原則国内出張は延期とします。海外出張ですが先になる模様です。

We will continue COVID-19 infection control work system in October. Working from home but twice a week, all staffs must be in the office on Wednesday, and one more day at individual discretion. Flex time is applied.

As "Go To Travel" campaign sponsored by government started, we will soon resume domestic business trip but need an approval by management. It takes even longer to reopen overseas business trip.


コロナウイルス対策の下の9月の勤務体系 Working System for September under New Coronavirus Measures


Working from home will continue until September, but we all will have to come to the office two
days a week, Wednesday and one more day.
Domestic business trip is allowed with infection control measures by avoiding 3-C (closed spaces,
crowded places, close-contact settings), but subject to management's decision.
Overseas business trip will be depending on the conditions for no entry restrictions on trade partners
and for resumption of regular flight service.


8月の新しいコロナウイルス感染の防止策 Prevention Measure of New Coronavirus Infection for August


Avoiding the risk of coronavirus infection, our working schedule is twice a week to come to the office,
Wednesday and one more day, and can work at home another days.
Domestic business trip is resumed from July, but subject to approval by management's decision.
Overseas business trip will be further postponed until entry restrictions of trading partner countries
will be lifted and regular flight service will be reopened.


弊社コロナウイルス感染の防止策は7月も継続いたします。 Prevention Measure of New Coronavirus Infection continues until July


In order to avoid the risk of new coronavirus infection, unusual working pattern will be extended until the month of July as follows. All staffs (except accounting) could work at their homes, but must be at the office twice a week, Wednesday and one more day with flexible time. Domestic business trip will resume from July but will depend on the necessity and the importance, Overseas business trip will be postponed until flight service to the countries we deal will reopen with no restrictions of coronavirus measures to enter and to return home.
